tel: +44 (0)191 4876895


Frequently asked questions

We have included the answers to some questions that we are often asked to ensure that you have all the information you need. If however, you would like to discuss any aspect of the services offered by Lamesley Childcare please contact us on 0191 4106526.

Who can attend the holiday club?

Any child or young person between reception age to 14 years is able to attend the holiday club, however we can take young people up to age 14 years (wherever they live) if their parents or carers are able to transport them to and from the club.  You do not need to be using our breakfast and/or after school provision to be able to access the holiday club.

Is lunch provided at the holiday club?

The fee for the holiday club does not include lunch although healthy snacks (fresh fruit and drinks) are included throughout the day.  Children and young people attending will need to bring a packed lunch.  We can also offer breakfast at an additional cost of 50p per child.

Are outings organised weekly at the holiday club?

Organising outings and visits is an important part of the programme of activities that we offer and are a regular feature.  However, generally we do not organise outings on weeks that have a bank holiday or if we have a special event at the club such as a visit from the magician or Zoolab.  To find out what is planned for the next holiday club, visit the holiday section on the website.

Does my child have to attend the outing or can they stay in the childcare setting?

Regulations on minimum staffing levels (1:8 for children under eight years and 1: 10 for children over eight, with a minimum of two staff at any time) mean that we are unable to offer a service for children to stay in the childcare setting on trip days.  We are happy to review this policy if there is demand from enough parents who would like this service.

Can my child bring their own toys to the club?

We have a good selection of toys and activities at all of our clubs.  However, if children would like to bring their own toys to the club you should speak to a member of staff and ensure that the toy is clearly labelled with the child’s name.  We are unable to be held responsible for any breakages or losses.

For all enquiries please contact Lamesly Childcare via our contact page here >>