After School club
“Research indicates that out of school care provides a safe, dedicated, and well equipped space for children’s ‘free play’ through which children learn social, conceptual and creative skills”
(Department for Education 2013)
Collection from school/school clubs
Our staff collect children from their classroom and take them to the after school club. If children attend clubs delivered by the school, they will be collected after the club and taken into the after school club where they will be given a healthy snack. School clubs usually finish at 4.15pm.
A healthy snack is included in the price of the session. Snack will change on a daily basis and can include beans on toast (wholemeal or white bread), pasta, cheese and crackers and a selection of fresh fruit and vegetables, all chosen by children, who help prepare our weekly menus. (Menus are available and show allergen information in line with Food Safety Regulation 2014).
There is a vast range of fun, creative and challenging activities, alongside outdoor and physical play each night. Play is predominantly child-led, with professional playworkers who facilitate a range of adult led activities to compliment the play environment. Activities include cooking, messy play, games, arts and crafts, large construction, open ended materials, loose parts and access to outdoor play including facilities in the adjoining MUGA, garden, fields and playgrounds attached to individual schools.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
We understand that the focus of characteristic of effective learning (CoEL) is on how children learn rather than what they learn; method over outcome. Our understanding that during children’s early years, children form attitudes about learning that last a lifetime, underpins our philosophy, that if children get the right sort of support and encouragement, they will be creative, ‘have a go’ adventurous learners and at Lamesley Childcare we focus on offering a vast range of play opportunities that promote:
- Personal, Social and Emotional development
- Physical development
- Communication and Languages
Our weekly planning is always on display, it is unique to the child. Stimulating, challenging and fun. We encourage parents and carers, children and teachers to contribute to our planning by sharing information on child(ren)’s progress and achievements at school and home, this supports our holistic approach to understand and plan for individual children.
open from
3.15pm to 6.00pm
Price £10.50
per session.

Harlow Green Community Primary School
Harlow Green Lane, Gateshead, NE9 7TB
Julie Wright
Breakfast club leader
Pauline Crane
07595 282194

Oakfield Infant School
Chowdene Bank, Gateshead NE9 6JH
Manager and breakfast club leader
Michelle Howell
07595 282195

Oakfield Junior School
Chowdene Bank, Gateshead NE9 6JH
Manager and breakfast club leader
Pam Nelson
07849 398649

St. John Boste RC
Castle Road, Washington NE38 0HL
Manager and breakfast club leader
Emma Titler
07540 222091

Lingey House Primary School
Millford Leam Lane Estate, Gateshead NE10 8DN
Manager and breakfast club leader
Sarah Arnell
07862 220180

Kells Lane Community Primary School
Kells Lane, Gateshead NE9 5HX
Louise Shepherdson
07540 125974
Manager and breakfast club leader
Yvonne Martin
07394 419609