At Lamesley Childcare we understand that all children are unique and we strive to continually provide high quality wrap around care that meets their individual needs.
Our staffing structure ensures our provisions are professionally led, inclusive and welcoming and are 100% reliable.
Play is intrinsically motivated behaviour, something children do in their own time, following their own ideas, in their own way, for their own reasons.
( Cole-Hamilton 2011 )
We are a Safer Recruitment employer
We will follow government guidelines and work with school to ensure continuity of care and routines during COVID.
Breakfast Clubs
Fully supervised before school breakfast clubs available at various locations from 7.30am to 8.55am
After School Clubs
Fully supervised after school clubs available at various locations from 3.15pm to 6.00pm
Holiday Childcare
School holiday club available in Lamesly, Gateshead 8am - 6pm daily Monday to Friday.